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International food products

Coffee Products

Origin, History, and Development

As the Ajinomoto Group diversified its businesses from the 1960s onward, it came to regard the growing instant coffee market as a promising area. In 1973, the Group entered the coffee business in Japan by acquiring 50% of the shares of General Foods (Japan) and establishing Ajinomoto General Foods, Inc.

With the technology of General Foods Corporation and the sales expertise of Ajinomoto Co., Inc., the business has continued to grow, creating new markets by developing products in the new categories of regular, bottled and stick-type coffee, in addition to instant coffee.

In 2015, Ajinomoto Co. acquired the remaining 50% of shares, made the company a consolidated subsidiary, and in 2017, changed its name to Ajinomoto AGF, Inc. In 2016, Ajinomoto Co. also acquired the trademarks that had been licensed to the company, making it possible to develop an unrestricted brand strategy outside Japan. Moving forward, Ajinomoto AGF, Inc. will also provide technological support for local beverages and powdered drinks businesses and take on a central role in the Ajinomoto Group’s beverages business.

Market Changes and Response in Recent Years

In Japan, coffee-drinking habits are changing from inside to outside the home. One reason for this change was the Ajinomoto Group’s creation of a market for coffee counters at convenience stores, providing delicious coffee at a reasonable price.

We will continue to respond to growing outside-the-home demand and promote product personalization to respond to diversifying preferences.


Ajinomoto Co., Inc. была создана в 1908 году как дочерняя компания Suzuki Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., для того, чтобы профессор Токийского университета, первооткрыватель вкуса умами Кикунаэ Икеда мог продавать и отправлять на экспорт синтезированную им натуральную пищевую добавку — глутамат натрия. В 1909 году он презентовал новинку на выставке в Токио, а через месяц начал продавать ее под торговой маркой «AJI-NO-MOTO». Символом компании тогда была домохозяйка в фартуке, которая красовалась тогда во всех продуктах марки Ajinomoto. Продукт оказался популярен и в Японии, и в других странах. В 1913 году был построен первый крупный завод фирмы в Кавасаки. К 1918 году объем производства превышал 84 тонны, а офисы компании открылись в Нью-Йорке и Шанхае. К 1937 году выручка достигла 27 миллионов йен. Однако, во время Второй мировой войны производство резко стало сокращаться, а к 1944 году полуразрушенные заводы Ajinomoto в Японии закрылись.

Производство приправ возобновилось лишь к 1947 году. После 1953 года Ajinomoto вышла на довоенный уровень продаж, а затем даже их превысила. К 60-м годам компания получила контракты для продвижения продукции марок Kellogg’s и Knorr в Японии. В это же время компания впервые начала заниматься аминокислотами, которые она до сих пор производит. Также в 1962 году был построен первый завод за пределами Японии — в Таиланде.

С 1980-х годов компания входит в рынок медицинских препаратов (в основном на основе аминокислот). С 90-х годов Ajinomoto активно покупает различные продовольственные компании. Например, в 2005 году французская фирма Orsan была куплена фирмой и переименована в AJI-NO-MOTO Foods, Europe.

В 2009 году Ajinomoto отметила свое 100-летие.

Precision circuitry, through nanoscale to milliscale build-up

Advances in circuit integration have made possible CPUs composed of nanometer-scale electronic circuits. These circuits must be connected to the millimeter-scale electronic components in electronic equipment and systems. This can be accomplished by employing a CPU “bed” composed of multiple layers of microcircuits, known as a “build-up substrate.” ABF facilitates the formation of these micrometer-scale circuits, because its surface is receptive to laser processing and direct copper plating. Today, ABF is an essential material for forming the circuitry that guides the flow of electrons from nanoscale CPU terminals to the millimeter-scale terminals on printed substrates.

Integration of organics and inorganics in a microfilm

The basic objective of the R&D that led to ABF was to find a resin composition that would determine the performance of the insulation material, provide the requisite functions of an electrical material, and facilitate film formation. The Ajinomoto Group’s expertise in fine chemistry was applied to developing a formulation that combined organic epoxy resins, hardener, and inorganic, microparticle filler. Major challenges included developing a methodology for homogeneous mixing of organic and inorganic substances that inherently resist uniform dispersion, and providing superior insulating properties and superior processing characteristics. To meet these challenges, the R&D team created a thermosetting film with high durability, low thermal expansion, ease of processing, and other important characteristics. Named ABF, the film was first adopted by a major semiconductor manufacturer in 1999. Since then, it has become a product of choice for nearly all high-performance CPUs, supported by R&D that has continuously evolved to meet the needs brought on by rapid advances in circuit integration.


Left: StemFit AK03
Right: Ajinomoto Genexine Co., Ltd.

  • Succeeded in the joint development of StemFit AK03, an iPS/ES cell culture medium, with the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University (February)

  • PT Lautan Ajinomoto Fine Ingredients (LAFI) began full-scale operation of a new plant that produces cosmetic ingredients (March)

  • Opened Lahore Office in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (July)

  • Ajinomoto Genexine Co., Ltd. (South Korea) began full-scale operation of its new plant that produces culture media for use in the manufacture of biotechnology-based medicine (October)

  • Ajinomoto North America, Inc. (AJINA) acquired Windsor Quality Holdings, LP, a US company that manufactures and sells frozen food (November)

Frozen Foods

Origin, History, and Development

The business began in the 1970s with the export of frozen foods produced in Japan to the United States.

In the 2000s, the Ajinomoto Group began local production in the United States. We also began sales in Europe of exports from Thailand, which had been producing products for Japan.

In 2014, we acquired Windsor Quality Holdings, LP (currently Ajinomoto Foods North America, Inc.) in the United States and began strengthening local operations. We also established a joint venture with JAWO Sp.z o.o. in Poland and started local production there.

In 2017, we acquired LABEYRIE TRAITEUR SURGELÉS S.A.S. (currently AJINOMOTO FROZEN FOODS FRANCE S.A.S.) in France, and we are currently stepping up development in Europe.

  • Frozen foods business in USA
  • Enjoy Gyoza at European dinning table

Market Changes and Response in Recent Years

The Asian frozen food market, of which gyoza and cooked rice dishes are representative, continues to expand rapidly due to factors including the growing popularity of Japanese food and the increase in Japanese-style restaurants in the United States and Europe. Under these circumstances, we are working to expand our business by making full use of our local production and sales networks with the aim of becoming the clear No.1 in the Asian food category.

Personal Care Ingredients

Origin, History, and Development

The Ajinomoto Group entered the business with the launches of Ajidew humectants in 1971 and Amisoft surfactants in 1972. The base material for these products is monosodium glutamate (MSG) made with a fermentation method that uses plant-based raw materials. Since then, those products have been used as ingredients in a wide range of cosmetics and toiletries that follow the concept of being environmentally friendly and mild to skin, thus opening up the new field of amino acid-based personal care ingredients.

Thereafter, we launched personal care ingredients made from various amino acids as base materials. Today we also conduct OEM production of personal care products through AJINOMOTO HEALTHY SUPPLY CO., INC.

Amino Acids for Skin and Hair | Enhancing Life with Amino Acids

Market Changes and Response in Recent Years

In recent years, our concept of environmentally friendly ingredients has gained acceptance worldwide, and sales are growing steadily in Japan and overseas.
With regard to global supply, in addition to existing production in Brazil, in 2014 we began production in Indonesia. Furthermore, in 2017 and 2018, we increased production of amino acid surfactants in Japan.


Лизин фиксация

В 1986 году группа Аджиномото начали производить лизин на фабрике в штате Айова из глубинки лизин совместно. США с последующим получением в Патхум-Тхани завод в Аджиномото Таиланд в 1986 году, и био Италия, Биопро в Италии в 1992 году, постепенно модернизируют свои производственные базы по всему миру. В Соединенных Штатах, конкуренты также стараются увеличить производство лизина, в результате чего вопросы ценообразования из-за переизбытка лизина на рынке. Чтобы поднять цены, несколько компаний, цена фиксированная лизина в 1990-х годах. Вместе с Kyowa подсказка Hakko Коге, и Севон Америка Инк. Аджиномото поселился с Департаментом юстиции США антитрестовского отдела в сентябре 1996 года. Каждая фирма и один из руководителей из каждой признал себя виновным в рамках сделки с правосудием, чтобы помочь в дальнейшем расследовании. Их сотрудничество привело в октябре 1996 года Арчер урегулирования обвинений Дэниелс Мидленд с правительством США за 100 миллионов долларов, что является рекордным антимонопольным штрафом за время. Картель был способен повысить цены на лизин 70% в течение первых шести месяцев сотрудничества.

Глутамат натрия

Безопасность глутамата натрия, как связанные с корпоративный имидж Аджиномото, был предметом обсуждения с момента его создания. Дискуссия началась еще в 1910 году в Японии, с неподтвержденных слухов, касающихся использования змей в сырье. С 1940-х годов, проблемы безопасности были озвучены несколько раз государственными учреждениями как в Японии, так и США. Дополнительные проблемы включают синдром китайского ресторана в 1960-х годах и призыв к усилению регулирования на использование MSG, который был основан на работе профессора Джона Олни, в 1969 году. В 1996 году Управление по заказу Федерации Американского Общества экспериментальной биологии (FASEB) изучение влияния МСГ и они пришли к выводу, что это безопасно для большинства людей. В то время, Аджиномото также отметил возможность того, что больных астмой и перевозчиков с признаками симптомами, синдром китайского ресторана может пострадать, но в конечном счете, безопасность этой группы было также подтверждено в последующем результаты испытаний в США и Австралии.

Инцидент индонезийский свинины

В начале 2001 года, Аджиномото был вовлечен в инцидент, в большинстве-мусульман Индонезии, когда выяснилось, что свинины на основе фермента были использованы в его производстве глутамат натрия. Сразу после инцидента, за продуктами и лекарствами правительства Индонезии активизировали сообщить, что Аджи-но-мото конечный продукт не содержит свиньи-производным вещества. Кроме того, Аджи-но-мото и объявили, что их продукты были получены из сои. Оба объявления стремился решить проблему на ранней стадии.


В 2008 году, Аджиномото иск британской сети супермаркетов Asda, часть шолмарт, за злонамеренную неправду действий в отношении своего продукта аспартама при химической числился исключен из линейки продуктов сети вместе с другой «гадости». В июле 2009 года британский суд вынес решение в пользу Асда. В июне 2010 года Апелляционный суд отменил это решение, разрешив Аджиномото вести дело против Асда, чтобы защитить репутацию аспартам это. В то время, Асда сказал, что он будет продолжать использовать термин «без всякой гадости» на своих собственных продуктов, однако, иск был улажен из суда в 2011 году после Асда удалены ссылки на аспартам от его упаковки.

Pharmaceutical Custom Manufacturing

Origin, History, and Development

The pharmaceutical custom manufacturing business provides manufacturing and development services for pharmaceutical intermediates and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) to pharmaceutical companies. We started this business in the 1980s with the development of a contract business for amino acid derivatives. It is a field in which the Ajinomoto Group can utilize the fermentation and synthesis technologies it has honed through the manufacture of amino acids and nucleotides. Later in the 1980s, we acquired S.A. OmniChem N.V. of Belgium and we have since been providing manufacturing services for pharmaceutical intermediates, APIs and high-potency APIs (HPAPIs), mainly for customers in the United States and Europe.

Market Changes and Response in Recent Years

In recent years, expectations have been rising for growth of the biopharmaceuticals market and the new markets of oligonucleotide drugs and antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs).

Under these conditions, the Ajinomoto Group acquired Althea Technologies, Inc., a U.S.-based biopharmaceuticals contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO). In fiscal 2019, the Group will also begin a contract manufacturing business for ADCs to generate synergy with the Corynex business, its proprietary protein expression platform.

The Group is also conducting business in the field of oligonucleotide drugs using its proprietary AJIPHASE manufacturing technology for oligonucleotides, their principal component. In 2016, the Group acquired GeneDesign, Inc., a leading Japanese CDMO for oligonucleotides, and we intend to strengthen our operations in this field.

Moreover, in October 2018 we integrated our businesses in the United States and Europe to create a global supply system under the new name Ajinomoto Bio-Pharma Services. We intend to successively integrate our businesses in Japan to achieve continuous growth.

  • Contributions to medicine and pharmaceuticals | R&D Capabilities
  • Ajinomoto Bio-Pharma Services

An essential component of the emerging mobile, automotive, home, and social infrastructure

Semiconductors are the foundation of today’s information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure. Further semiconductor downsizing and higher-level multifunctional performance will soon enable smarter cell phones and related devices, as well as functions for control, safety, and communication of a multitude of devices in automobiles and homes. The Ajinomoto Group will continue advancing its ABF technology and its specialization to help drive the further downsizing, higher performance, and spread of semiconductors. ABF is already essential in many sectors, and its evolution will contribute to the betterment of society.

More detailed information

  • Ajinomoto Fine-Techno Co., Inc.
  • Electronic Materials Business Briefing

Behind-the-scenes story of Ajinomoto Build-up Film


  • Signed an agreement to serve as an Official Partner of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games (March)
    (Category: Cooking Condiments, Dehydrated Soup, Amino Acid Based Granules and Prepared Frozen Foods)

  • Established gastrointestinal specialty pharma EA Pharma Co., Ltd. by integrating the gastrointestinal disease business of Eisai Co., Ltd. into AJINOMOTO PHARMACEUTICALS CO., LTD. (March)

  • Provided products such as Ajinomoto KK Okayu, AGF Blendy bottled coffee and Amino VITAL jelly, and donated JPY 24 million toward Kumamoto Earthquake Disaster (April)

  • Began sales of StemFit, an iPS/ES cell culture medium for clinical research in the world’s highest safety and performance class, in Japan in August and globally in September

  • Established Ajinomoto Mirai Co., Ltd., a new company to promote employment of disabled people (November): Started operation in April 2017. Promoting diversity by expanding opportunities for disabled people

  • Acquired a 33.33% stake in Promasidor Holdings Limited for approximately JPY 55.8 billion (November): Aimed at becoming a leading player in the African Food Market together with Promasidor Holdings Limited

Direct Marketing

Origin, History, and Development

To maintain our competitive advantage in the amino acids business, we also expanded from bulk to retail in the personal care products market in the 1990s. We started the business with the rollout of our own cosmetics brand, JINO, available only by mail order.

In the area of fundamental foods, in 2005 the Group launched Glyna, a supplement that contains the amino acid glycine, and in 2013 launched Amino Aile, which helps seniors live longer and healthier lives.

In 2015, the labeling system for food with functional claims (FFC) was introduced and we enhanced our FFC lineup with the launches of Capsi EX, a supplement to improve base metabolism, and Mai Asa Histidine, a supplement that reduces fatigue and promotes alertness, in addition to mainstay products Glyna and Amino Aile.

Since 2017, we have been working to strengthen sales of conventional food products through our direct marketing channel as the third pillar of our operations after personal care products and fundamental foods.

  • Get the Rest You Deserve. The amino acid glycine can help you enjoy deeper, healthier sleep | Stories
  • Never Too Late to Improve QOL. A simple solution to fight muscle loss and increase strength | Stories

Market Changes and Response in Recent Years

In the direct marketing industry in Japan, both the health foods and personal care products categories are steadily growing. On the other hand, competition is intensifying, so we are differentiating our products based on the Ajinomoto Group’s unique specialty in areas such as manufacturing methods and evidence.

Animal Nutrition

Origin, History, and Development

In the feed market, since 1960 amino acids that are lacking in regular animal feed have been added as a means of improving the growth of livestock.

The Ajinomoto Group entered the business in 1964 with the start of production of Lysine using the fermentation method it established for the manufacturing process of AJI-NO-MOTO as part of its research into amino acids. We successively established a series of plants overseas to improve production efficiency and enhance cost competitiveness, conducting development centered on Lysine, Threonine and Tryptophan. Today, we have production and sales bases in five countries around the world.

The Group has continued to expand the business, backed by factors including global increases in meat consumption and the modernization of animal feed formulation planning.

In response to changes in the global business environment, in 2011 Ajinomoto Co., Inc. established and spun off Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Group, Inc. as a company specialized in this field.

  • AjiPro-L | Innovation in action

Market Changes and Response in Recent Years

With the increasing commodification of this business in recent years, Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition is shifting to OEM production of lysine and threonine products. At the same time, it will work to strengthen its specialty product lineup, including AjiPro-L, a lysine formulation for dairy cows.

Main Competitors

CJ Group, Evonik Group, Archer Daniels Midland Company, Meihua Holdings Group Co., Ltd., Global Bio-chem Technology Group Company Limited, others


Nabe Cube

  • Started supporting 6 new projects in Cambodia, etc. through the AIN (the Ajinomoto International Cooperation Network for Nutrition and Health) Program.

  • Promoted the “Health/Nutrition Seminars” that support “healthy mind and body” as part of the support for the Great East Japan Earthquake and held 234 seminars total. Continuing the efforts in 2013.

  • Launched Ajinomoto KK “Nabe Cube” (August).

  • Dissolved partnership with Calpis Co., Ltd. by selling all outstanding shares (October)

  • Established Ajinomoto Genexine Co., Ltd. in Korea (manufacturing/sales of culture media for animal cells) (November).

Processing and optimization expertise

The quality of ABF is constantly improving in line with rapid upgrades in CPU performance. This requires ceaseless R&D into insulating resins with differing properties, refinement of product characteristics, processing technologies to meet emerging customer requirements, and repeated testing and verification.

Achieving the thermal stability demanded by the heat-generating CPU environment, optimizing plating processes essential for circuit formation, and facilitating laser processing are just a few of the many challenges that call for specialized knowledge and expertise. As CPUs evolve and diversify, these skills are essential to producing the optimum ABF-based circuit substrates that meet customer requirements.

Sports Nutrition

Origin, History, and Development

To maintain our competitive advantage in the amino acids business, we decided in the 1990s to expand from the bulk business to encompass retail. Having shipped bulk products for health-related businesses, we focused on health supplements and entered the business with the launch of amino VITAL PRO, a powdered supplement for athletes. Since then, we have broadened our target to include general consumers and scaled up product development. We have also expanded overseas, with sales currently in various countries including South Korea, Singapore, Russia and Brazil.

In addition to powdered products, our wide lineup includes protein products and jelly products.

  • Amino Acids for Better Sports Performance : BCAA | Enhancing Life with Amino Acids
  • Amino Acids for Better Sports Performance

Market Changes and Response in Recent Years

In the sports supplement market, sales of powdered, protein and jelly products are all growing. Efforts to expand the market include the promotion of amino VITAL PRO as well as the launch of new products tailored to sports demand such as powdered amino VITAL GOLD and protein product amino VITAL Amino Protein. Furthermore, our efforts to encourage new types of usage patterns include the launch of amino VITAL amino shot, a jelly product with outstanding portability that can be conveniently ingested during exercise.

Umami Seasonings for Processed Food Manufacturers

Origin, History, and Development

With the launch of AJI-NO-MOTO as a retail product, the Ajinomoto Group also began to supply it in bulk as a raw material for manufacturing soy sauce. Thereafter, the Group worked to expand sales channels for large-scale customers in Japan and began overseas sales in the 1930s in response to demand from U.S. food manufacturers.

Overseas production of AJI-NO-MOTO began in the 1950s, mainly in Southeast Asia and Central and South America, and bulk exports also grew. Furthermore, bulk products are exported to Ajinomoto Group companies in other countries, where they are packaged and sold as retail products.

In the 1960s, following on from retail products, we began bulk sales of nucleotide seasonings to domestic customers. We later began exports from Japan, and in the 2000s we built a plant in Thailand. We now sell products in more than 100 countries worldwide using the sales channels for AJI-NO-MOTO.

Market Changes and Response in Recent Years (Including Retail Products)

Worldwide demand for monosodium glutamate (MSG) continues to grow, backed by factors such as rising mean income and population growth in emerging countries. Demand is growing steadily in Southeast Asia, South Asia and Africa.

Demand for nucleotide seasonings is also expected to continue growing due to the expansion of the market for processed foods and a trend toward adding more seasonings to products.

The Ajinomoto Group’s market share for both product categories is one of the world’s largest, and we intend to maintain a dominant market position.

Main competitors

MSG: Vedan Group, CJ Group, Daesang Group, Fufeng Group and other Chinese manufacturers
Nucleotides: CJ Group, Daesang Group, MC Food Specialties Inc., Star Lake Bioscience and other Chinese manufacturers

Seasonings and Processed Foods

Origin, History, and Development

The business started with the launch of AJI-NO-MOTO in 1909. As competition surrounding umami seasonings intensified from the 1950s onward, the Ajinomoto Group swiftly diversified its operations.

During the rapid expansion of Japan’s instant food market in the 1960s, the Group launched Knorr Cup Soup through an alliance with a U.S. company. Utilizing the marketing methods thus cultivated, we expanded into new categories such as mayonnaise.

In the 1970s, Japan’s economic boom gave way to an era of stable growth. As a preference for convenience grew due to an increase in women working outside the home, among other factors, the Group developed its original HON-DASHI and Chuka Aji flavor seasonings and Cook Do premixed sauces.

In the 1980s, women made further advances in the workplace and sales grew rapidly. This approach of expanding the product rollout from AJI-NO-MOTO to flavor seasonings and processed foods was also used later in the International Food Products business.

In the field of seasonings for processed food manufacturers, during the 1960s we launched savory seasonings that replicate the flavors of natural foodstuffs. These seasonings were developed in the process of amino acid research. In the 1990s, the Group began sales to major customers of enzyme preparations, which can be used to improve the texture of a wide range of processed products, and also started overseas production and sales.

Since then, we have continued to expand business in each field by constantly improving products and launching new products that address consumer needs.

Market Changes and Response in Recent Years

Consumer needs are diversifying in Japan as the population shrinks and lifestyles change. Changes are also apparent in consumer purchasing channels, not only at existing mass merchandisers, drug stores and convenience stores, but also in other areas such as e-commerce.

Amid these changes, the Ajinomoto Group will meet needs by rolling out high-value-added products, offering item-by-item cooking ideas on its recipe site, and developing products for each channel, among other approaches.

On the production side, the Group is conducting a reorganization to put in place a system that enables flexible production. We have also begun logistics reform to resolve various issues in food distribution (a shortage of truck drivers, rising distribution costs, the need for environmental preservation, etc.), and will pursue initiatives in cooperation with other food manufacturers.

История [ править | править код ]

Доктор Кикунае Икеда (1864-1936) основал компанию в 1909 году, через год после получения патента на глутамат натрия. AJI-NO-MOTO является первой коммерческой версией этого продукта.

  • Описание
  • Состав
  • Рецепты
  • Отзывы

Monosodium glutamate, мононатриевая соль глутаминовой кислоты — пищевая добавка, предназначенная для усиления вкусовых ощущeний.

Глутамат натрия, он же натриевая соль глутаминовой кислоты, он же monosodium glutamate (MSG), он же Аджиномото, сущность вкуса, азиатская приправа, распространенная по всему миру.

У китайцев известен как «вкусовая приправа» у японцев как «чудесный порошок» («фе-цзин»). Вкус глутамата называется «умами», что является одним из основных вкусовых ощущений, известных человеку. Глутамат натрия получают как из натуральных ресурсов, так и посредством химических реакции.

«Действующее вещество» глутамата — глутаминовая кислота, одна из 20 аминокислот входящих в белки живых организмов, содержится в морских водорослях, соевых продуктах, а также в дрожжевых экстрактах. В меньших количествах он содержится в помидорах, грибах и сыре пармезан.

Эта кислота является заменимой, то есть естественным образом синтезируется организмом человека. Более того, эта кислота является одной из наиболее распространенных в природе. Именно глутаминовая кислота, взаимодействуя с вкусовыми рецепторами вызывает ощущение удовлетворенности едой.

Поэтому, добавляем мы Аджиномото в пищу или нет, мы потребяем глутаминовую кислоту ежедневно!

В японии разработана целая система диетического питания, приучающая пациента к правильной еде. В основе этой системы — приправа Аджиномото. Когда мы задумываемся о том, что пора пособлюдать диету, мы резко сокращаем разнообразие рациона, увеличиваем употребление овощей. В скором времени нам это надоедает. и мы перестаем придерживаться правильного питания.

Аджиномото, во время добавленный к правильным овощным и белковым блюдам, поможет получать больше удовольствия от еды и питаться вкусно даже во время диеты.

Во преки уверениям можных журналов и прессы, глутамат натрия абсолютно безопасен и безвреден, это даказано многочисленными исследованиями

Он натурален и важно лишь то, к чему мы его добавляем. К сожалению, производители продуктов питания чаще добавляют его к такой «мусорной пище», как чипсы или колбаса, приучая нас есть эти вредные продукты

Добавление же глутамата к здоровым продуктам принесет только пользу, и еще, позволит сократить потребление соли с этими продуктами, потому что даже без соли еда будет вкусной!

Масса нетто: 454 г

Состав продукта:

Мононатриевая соль глутаминовой кислоты.

Питательный состав на 100 г продукта:

  • Белки — 41,6 г
  • Жиры — 0,1 г
  • Углеводы — 25,2 г.
  • Натрий — 13,5 г.

Энергетическая ценность на 100 г продукта: 287,1 кКал.

Аджиномото – это приправа, которую можно встретить в перечне ингредиентов какого-либо азиатского блюда, но чаще всего китайского, корейского или японского. Представляет собой она небезызвестный усилитель вкуса глутамат натрия (пищевая добавка Е621). Состав приправы: мононатриевый глутамат. Использовать аджиномото можно для приготовления самых разнообразных блюд: мясных, овощных, рыбных. Эта приправа позволит выгодно подчеркнуть их вкус.

Использовать аджиномото нужно разумно, добавлют приправу в блюда придерживаясь таких пропорций: на 5 порций первых блюд, а также вторых блюд из мяса, овощей и рыбы – ½ ч. л.; на 5 порций риса – 35 ч. л.; на 5 порций лапши в воке – 45 ч. л. Подробнее о том, как правильно использовать приправу аджиномото в заготовках на зиму расскажут пошаговые рецепты с фото, собранные в данной рубрике.


  • Agreed to Ajinomoto Co.’s acquisition of all shares of Ajinomoto General Foods, Inc. held by Mondelēz for JPY 27.0 billion and concluded a share purchase and sale agreement (February)

  • Restructured the organization in North America by establishing holding company Ajinomoto North America Holdings, Inc. and integrating the frozen foods and consumer foods businesses into Ajinomoto Windsor, Inc. (AWI) (April)

  • Formed an alliance with T.HASEGAWA CO., LTD. in the fermentation-derived natural flavors business with the aim to launch fermentation-derived natural flavors and develop the business globally within the next several years (August)

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